
Community Dinner Signup

February 16

February 23

March 2

March 9

March 16

March 23

March 30

April 6

Cooking shift: 1:00-5:00 p.m. (2 people)
●  Cook, do side prep, & set up dining area (tables, chairs, and place settings).
●  Set up cooking equipment, cut and peel vegetables, make salad, begin dining room setup.
●  Cut desserts, prepare coffee, set up for serving (silverware, plates, etc.)

Dishwasher/Cleaner: 4:00pm - closing @6:30pm (2 people)
●  Wash dishes and clean floor.

Dinner/cleanup shift: 4:15-closing @6:30pm (4 people)
●  Server: Plate & serve meals out the pick-up window, & package take-out meals (1 server tallies meals).
●  Greeter: Greet guests at window; may also host the giveaway table.
●  Floater/Table Hosts: Help where needed (fellowship with guests, serve, greet, or wash dishes)
●  Cleaners: Put away tables and chairs, help put away supplies, empty garbage, clean floors, secure building, & lock up.

Shifts overlap to provide for transition from pre-cook to final readiness, orientation for new volunteers, and time for prayer.